
Light Source: Intense Pulsed Light
Handle: One E light handle, 5 filters for this handle
One Bi-polar RF handle, 3 tips for this handle
One Laser handleWavelength: 430nm/480nm/530nm/580nm/590nm/640nm/690nm(optional)
Operating Interface: 8.4inches color touch screen
Frequency E-light part:1HZ/2Hz/3Hz / RF part:5-10Mhz / Laser part:1-5hz
Energy E-light part:0-50J/cm²(IPL),0-50J/cm²(RF) RF part:0-50J/CM2 Laser part:1300-1600 MJ
Laser Energy level: 1-100level
Output Power: E-light:800W RF:600W Laser:450W
Laser Treatment Head: 1064nm,532nm
Cooling Systems Semi conductor +Wind Cooling +Water Cooling
Input Power AC 220V(110V)/15A 50Hz(50Hz)

I Theory:
Three different working system:
1. E-light (IPL+RF) for hair removal, freckle removal & skin care
2. Bi-polar RF working system for weight loss, wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation
3. (532nm 1064nm 1320nm) ND YAG Laser for tattoo removal and skin rejuvenation with medical carbon

II Application:
1. Hair removal
2. Acne clearance
3. Skin rejuvenation
4. Pigmentation treatment
5. Vascular treatment.
6. Tattoo Removal
7. Pigment Removal
8. Birthmair Removal